Monday, October 1, 2012

Setting the Stage

Proverbs 14:26

26He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it be a refuge.

You never really think about the things you do until you are responsible for others. It is then that you realize your every action is studied, followed and even mimicked. When you walk, those who follow you walk behind you in your footsteps. The wise King Solomon talked of the fear of the Lord being a fortress. A fortress is simply a fort but it is considered a fortified place. According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary to fortify something means to 1)strengthen by military defenses 2) to give physical strength or endurance to 3) encourage 4) to strengthen or enrich with a material <~bread with vitamins>. So in essence, the fear of the Lord gives you strength, it encourages you and it's a place where you can go to be protected and nourished. So if you as a parent or leader fear the Lord, you're setting the stage for your children or those under your care to have some place to go when they need shelter from the world. It's hard to think of things like this but God forbid you leave those under your care too soon. What then? Where will they find strength if they do not have the proper foundation and understanding of the fear of the Lord? Where can they find refuge if you've never even showed them there is such a place? They will be subject to finding the vices that the world looks to such as gambling, drug and/or alcohol abuse, sex addictions, robbery or murder. These are the vices of the world that are not a true source of strength nor do they give life and nourishment. These vices actually cause problems in the body, pocket and mind.  But such a fate doesn't have to be if you are willing to walk in the ways of the Lord. If you are willing to show the way, those behind you will follow you.

Remember to check out my man V of the Artist to Artist Show Mondays on and listen for the Get Your JOY In The Morning segment!

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