Proverbs 15:1
1A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
you know that sarcasm is meant to express anger or extreme dislike? It
is sometimes used for the purpose of upsetting someone else to release
anger. How so? The notes in the Zondervan NIV Study Bible reference
David's encounter with Nabal in 1Samuel 25. David's men were hungry so
he sent a representative to approach Nabal. Nabal was already described
as surly and mean in his dealings. So Nabal possessed a spirit of anger.
When David's appointed messenger greeted Nabal, he was met with sarcasm
though he was reminded how David's men made sure he was safe at one
point. David was simply calling in a favor. Nabal felt he owed David
nothing and made sure his words said such. His response angered David to
the point David was ready to make war on every man on Nabal's property.
David was justified in his anger. But It was Abigail, Nabal's
intelligent and beautiful wife, who thought quick to plead with David.
Nabal died a short time later at the hands of the Lord. Why is this
story important? You may attempt to use sarcasm to hide your anger but
the words themselves let it be known that anger or extreme dislike of a
situation is in your spirit. Sarcasm is often used when someone feels
they cannot take action otherwise. Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines
sarcasm as 1: a cutting or contemptuous remark 2: ironic criticism or
reproach. Words from one with an angry spirit can hurt and rise an angry
spirit in one to whom they are directed. Since we know that thoughts
produce words which produce action, then that's the motive behind
sarcasm. It is to anger someone else to the point of action. So watch
your words. If you're dealing with a loose cannon, you may be in for a
fight you didn't bargain for. If you're dealing with someone who has
been tamed by the Holy Spirit, the wrath you receive may ultimately be
from the Lord himself.
Remember to check out my man V of the Artist to Artist Show on Mondays on and listen for the Get Your JOY In The Morning segment!
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