Genesis 50:15
15When Joesph's brothers saw that their father was dead, they "what if
Joesph holds a grudge against us and pays us back for all the wrongs we
did to him?"
Did you know that one with a guilty conscience often lives and breathes
fear? Many of you know the story of Joesph and how he was his father
favorite because he was born of the woman Jacob was in love with? He was
tricked into marrying Leah but it was Rachael his heart longed for and
he showed it among his sons. So Joesph's brothers already had contempt
for him. But when Joesph told of the dream God gave him how they would
all bow down to him, it was the final straw. They mistreated him, sold
him and lied to Jacob. Joesph's dream turned out to be true. God's word
NEVER returns void as stated in Isaiah 55:11. Joesph did reconcile with
his brothers before taking his own sons to visit Jacob on his death bed.
But because of his brothers' guilty conscience they immediately thought
Joesph would hurt them after Jacob died. So what did they do? They lied
again by putting words in Jacob's mouth as a note to Joesph. Joesph
wept. He had forgiven them but their own guilt they couldn't get beyond.
The brothers started with a lie and ended with a lie. They weren't
remorseful enough to just apologize for the horrific things they did and
ask for the forgiveness themselves. But they feared Joesph would have
the same spirit of meanness they unleashed on him. That wasn't Joesph.
He only tested them early on but his intent was not to harm them. He
loved them and he knew that what they meant for evil, God meant for
good. He was not like them and that's why God chose him to lead in
When someone has a guilty conscience they are always looking over their
shoulder wanting to know a person's every move. So they may have gotten
away with whatever they did by everyone else's
standards but the mind won't let such a person forget. If they are not
humble enough to admit what they've done, like Joesph's brothers, some
of their previous behavior that caused the mishap will still be present.
Like Joesph, forgive them and let it go. What they did will then be
between them and God. God obviously worked it out for your good.
Whatever it was you needed to receive, understand, did.
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