John 14:23
23Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My
Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with
Did you know that obedience to the Lord is a true sign of love? Many say
they love the Lord but when He says to do something they won't do it.
That's not you is it? Jesus spoke to the disciples about the coming of
the Holy Spirit. Judas had just asked why Jesus would show himself to
them and not the world. Verse 23 was the answer. Of course Judas was the
one who betrayed Jesus. He didn't love Jesus but turned his back on Him
for money. He sold Jesus out because he was more in love with money
than he was with God. The Lord knows your heart and He knows if you're
not willing to obey Him that you're not in love with Him as much as you
claim to be in the public eye or even in church on Sunday. Maybe you're
just not at that level yet you say? But if you're not even willing to
work at it, then you don't even want to be. It's the same as what the
apostle Paul talks about in a marriage in Ephesians 5:21. Many do not
know but a true marriage is supposed to replicate the relationship
between Christ and the church. There is a mutual submission/obedience
that takes place. Not doing so to one another is saying to each other
and to the Lord that you're not really in love with the person you
married. It's a true sign of love. A husband who does what his wife asks
does so because he's in love with her and wants to see her happy. The
wife who obeys her husband does so because she's in love with her
husband and wants to see him happy. The obedience to the Lord is not a
means to an end neither is obedience to your husband or wife. You do it
out of love. Your relationship with Christ or the lack their of will
reflect in every area of your life. How many times have you said you
love the Lord? Do you know when you submit to Him you're saying you're
faithful to Him? He will return that love as well. That's what Judas
didn't understand. All he saw was money even with the bottle of perfume
that was used on Jesus' feet.
Remember to check out my girl Stubbs on the Leap of Faith Network on!
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