Monday, August 6, 2012

Making a Mark

1Timothy 4:12
12Don't Let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

The apostle Paul addressed Timothy in a letter as he called him to oversee the church in Ephesus. Timothy was much younger than most but his foundation was strong. He was raised by an awesome mother and grandmother who were strong in their faith. When Paul met Timothy, he took him under his wing as mentor and father figure. Paul's knowledge of Christ was overwhelming like none other as he went from one who persecuted Christ to one who preached Christ. The apostle Paul contributed greatly to the New Testament. So indeed, Timothy was in good hands. But as we know, there are those who doubted Timothy based solely on his age. Paul encouraged Timothy to continue to be an example in every area of his life that his example would win them over. Leadership is not about age, nor is it solely based on title. It's really about being an example. Some of the greatest influencers of the world were young when they started. Let's just start with Jesus. Though Jesus didn't begin his public ministry until he was thirty years old, he was an influencer from birth. He went  from being taught and led by his earthly mother, to being her Savior and our Savior. And he didn't have a title in the eyes of the Pharisees and Saducees other than trouble maker. His title, his authority all came from God the Father. His main purpose is to be an example of light to a dying a world...both then and now. Timothy, though young and given a title, was to simply be an example. Without being an example, his title meant nothing to those who were further along in life. The age and title should not be the dictator of anyone's mark in the world. But let it be of the example they live and who they inspire to do better and be better.

Remember to check out my man V on the Artist to Artist Show on on Mondays! Please note the upcoming Get Your JOY In The Morning book signing event on August 25th at Family Christian Bookstore has been publicly recognized by WUSA Channel 9 News and 97.1 WASH FM as a community event! This is a great opportunity to minister to many through the gift of writing! PRAISE THE LORD!!

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