Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Coming Out on Top

Matthew 26:59
59The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for false evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death.

The chief priests and Sanhedrin wanted so bad to kill Jesus they were willing to lie if necessary. Now they tried Jesus in their own court yet they planned to do so with false evidence. What is false? Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines false as 1) not genuine: artificial 2) intentionally untrue 3)adjusted or made so as to deceive 4) tending to mislead: deceptive 5) not true 6)not faithful. In their own courts, they were planning to present evidence that was intentionally untrue and adjusted to deceive. Now the Word says they didn't find any evidence they could manipulate but false witnesses came forward. What did Jesus do that was so bad that people wanted to lie on him and deceive others in order to kill him? Simply put, Jesus told the truth of God, lived and demonstrated it and had a big following. Not to mention His words convicted the chief priests and Sanhedrin. In urban terms (Jesus called them out). Sometimes calling out the falsehood in which someone lives, walks and talks is simply done by being, doing and saying the opposite. Jesus was the opposite of everything they were and gave people hope while the chief priests and Sanhedrin were looking for the spotlight and those who would idolize them. Are you being and doing the opposite of those who walk in the world? Is the insecurity that plagues the lives of those around you causing them to present false evidence against you? Maybe you just need to change the company you keep. Is it causing false witnesses to come against you? Keep doing and being the opposite of the world and those who dare not to follow Christ. Continue to walk boldly for the Lord. Not that Jesus was laughing but He did and still does get the victory. When you walk in the ways of Jesus, no matter what artificial evidence is thrown at you, you will always come out on top.

P.S. Remember to Check out my girl Stubbs on the Leap of Faith Network on! To get a copy of my book, Get Your JOY In The Morning, go to

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