Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Order of Relationship

Matthew 10:37
37"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me;

Jesus was bold when He made the statement to the disciples that absolutely NO ONE is to come between them and Him. This command was not just for the disciples. It is not that you don't love you family because you are to do so but if pleasing your family is going against pleasing the Lord, then you have chosen them over your relationship with the Lord. God specifically said that we are to have no other gods before Him. That means NO ONE is to come between you and the Lord. When you make the choice to love your father, mother, son, daughter even spouse more than you love the Lord, you have said you choose them over Him. Most of us don't even recognize that we've done it. But it starts with the little things then eventually grows. Yet, when you die, your family can not determine your home in the afterlife. Your family cannot provide you with salvation. Yes, you are to minister to your family and be an example but your tie is to the Lord first. Many say family first. But it's actually God first, then family. This order is not just for those "in ministry" it's for everyone who claims to be a follower of Christ. When the Lord says go right and your family says go left, which are you following?  What order is your relationship in? Is the Lord REALLY first in your life? Putting the Lord first means making the tough choices that may leave others upset in the beginning but when they see God's purpose fulfilled and brought to life, then even they will have to testify to the glory of the Lord.

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