Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Crowd Control

Ezekiel 46:9c
9No one is to return through the gate by which he entered, but each is to go out the opposite gate.

The Lord provided the prophet Ezekiel with guidelines for how the people of Israel were to enter and exit the temple on Sabbath and feast days. To control the crowd and keep the flow moving the people could not walk out the same door they came in. To do so would create a bottleneck effect. This scenario is actually parallel to life. Many do not notice but when God brings you through one door, he doesn't expect you to walk through the same door to exit. To keep the flow going in your life you are to go forward not backward. A new blessing comes when you close a door on something old. You cannot hold a new blessing in your hand if you are still holding something God said to let go of. There's no room in your hand, it's crowded. A closet is full of clothes but when God says He wants to give you an entire new wardrobe, the only way to accept it is to remove the old clothes. God has doors for every person. When He says door number three is the best benefit but you have to close door number one, realize you can't walk through door number three if you're still standing at door number one. There's not enough of you to go around to walk through both. And your hand isn't big enough for what God wants to give if you're holding on to something He said has to drop.

God has crowd control for the blessings in your life but you have to follow the entrance and exit signs.

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