Friday, January 13, 2012

A Mark of Favor in Brains and Beauty

1Samuel 25:33
33May you be blessed for your good judgement and for keeping me from bloodshed this day and from avenging myself with my own hands.

Abigail was the wife of Nabal. Nabal was a wealthy man and in the beginning of the chapter he is described as a mean man while his wife Abigail is described as intelligent and beautiful. David was in the desert with his men and heard that Nabal was shearing his sheep. He sent men to Nabal to bring back something so they would all be refreshed. But Nabal, instead of recognizing the man that would soon be king, tossed his nose at David's men. When Nabal's shepherds were in the company of David's men previously, they were well treated. David was about to strike every last male within Nabal's property upon hearing of Nabal's selfishness and hoarding mentality. Abigail heard what her husband had done and immediately gathered food and gifts, mounted a horse and met up with David's men. She knew David to be a man who fought battles on behalf of the Lord. The idea that her husband refused to help David who would be king and represented the Lord not only concerned her but she knew there would be a consequence. Had she not gone out, many would have suffered. The Lord struck Nabal anyway for his behavior but many men were spared.

King Solomon talks about a beautiful woman who shows no discretion in Proverbs 11:22. No discretion means lacking good judgement. Abigail had brains and beauty. Her good judgement saved a lot of men including her husband if only temporarily. The value of a woman with good judgement as King Solomon describes in Proverbs 18:22 is a good thing and considered as favor from the Lord. There is no gift like that of God's favor. God's favor opens doors that no one else can. God's favor showers blessings like no one else can give. And a woman of good judgement given to a man as his helpmeet (not helpmate) is considered to be favor from God. Unfortunately, many women are not appreciated as much for their brains as they are for their beauty. Some are looked down upon for being as intelligent as Abigail was described. But a woman who God grants good judgement to He will use to steer a ship in the right direction when it has gone off-course or sees a detail that could damage the ship and hinder it from reaching the planned destination. Yes, God gives a helpmeet in a woman to help a man be his best and vice versa. Men, appreciate the women with good judgement that God has gifted you with. She is seen as a mark of favor upon you.

P.S. Remember to tune into my man V of the Artist to Artist Show on Saturdays at 8:30 am CT, 2:30pm CT and 8:30 pm CT on and listen for the Get Your JOY In The Morning segment!

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