John 13:19
19"I am telling you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe that I am He.
Jesus had just provided the disciples with the warning that one of them would betray him. As hard as it was for Jesus to know that someone he loved dear would hurt him, it had to happen so the prophecy would be fulfilled. But Jesus told the disciples that His purpose for telling them ahead of time was to increase their belief. The disciples couldn't stop what was happening even if they wanted to. First, they didn't know who the betrayer was among them. Second, Jesus had to repeat over and over during His time with them that what was coming was coming. He repeated the prophecy multiple times because the disciples didn't believe that any of them could do such a thing. But when it did happened, they immediately knew like instant recall. Our Lord does things everyday to increase our belief. Whether it's by giving us something our heart has longed for or having someone show up that came across our thoughts or even providing. All these things are done to increase belief in our Lord and Savior. And yes, sometimes He provides a prophecy which is a word from the Lord of things to come and indication of His will as encouragement, direction or rebuke when necessary. The purpose is to increase belief that He is who He says He is. Prophecy is for those who believe in God. It is to provide an even deeper level of faith and relationship with Him. Waiting for something you can't see yet is the very definition of faith.
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