11For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;
The Maryland Terrapins of the University of Maryland College Park have a slogan for their mascot, "Fear the Turtle". Now to some, that might not be saying much but between the hare and the turtle, the turtle will win the race because he is steady and strong. And yes, the diamondback terrapin is Maryland's official state reptile. God is steady and strong. He is constant and never changes. But many of us do not fear him. We fear him because we don't want to go to hell but we don't fear Him in the sense that we must answer to him for everything we think, say and do. First, yes, God loves everyone. But just as David the psalmist says, his love is "so great" for those who fear him. David means for those who have reverence for Him. What does it mean to reverence? According to Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary, reverence means to:
1: honor or respect felt or shown : deference; especially : profound adoring awed respect
2: a gesture of respect (as a bow)
3: the state of being revered
4: one held in reverence —used as a title for a clergyman
Many of us do not give God the respect He deserves. Why not give it? Why not give to God not just tithes and offerings but our time? Not in busyness but just spending time with Him and Him alone. When is the last time you showed God respect? Respect requires listening, obedience and follow through on what He asks of us. Many of us don't fear or reverence Him because we simply care not to know Him accept for when we want him to be our genie in a bottle. God's love for those who respect Him is deeper than the depths of the widest ocean. We haven't even begun to touch who He really is in our finite minds. Why not at least give Him respect?
P.S. Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 19th! I will be having a book signing event at John 3:16 Christian Bookstore in Lanham, Md to celebrate the store's anniversary! I will be signing books, taking pictures and hugging necks so join me!
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