Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blessings of Certain Peace

Luke 11:28
28He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."

Jesus taught the crowd about the difference between the work He was doing and that of Satan. Jesus was accused of driving out demons by the power of Satan. When he finished giving a parable, a woman in the crowd told Jesus his mother was blessed for giving birth to him. Jesus took the focus off of Mary very quickly and put it back where it belonged, on God. Yes, Mary was blessed but just as Jesus said, those who hear and obey God are blessed. How so? No, life won't be all roses but life in obedience to the Lord brings a certain peace that no one can fully explain. But in order to live it out, one has to hear the word of God. Hearing the word of God taught in the guidance of the Holy Spirit brings clarity and understanding to life. Just like we remember the music we listen to, so to we remember the word of God when it's preached and taught if we're listening with our ears and our spirit. The downloading of understanding into the spirit takes places when one is open to receiving the word of God. But it's not enough just to hear. Practical application is necessary for the growth of anyone in any area. There is already a plan for your life and it's made visible with regular, re-enforced teaching.

P.S. Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 19th! I will be having a book signing event at John 3:16 Christian Bookstore in Lanham, Md to celebrate the store's anniversary! I will be signing books, taking pictures and hugging necks so join me! You should've received your invitation.

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