John 6:15
15 Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.
Jesus had just finished performing the miracle of feeding more than five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two small fish. His miraculous sign was more than enough for those present to recognize that Jesus was indeed the messiah. But they misinterpreted his role as the messiah and what he came to do. The followers attempted to place Jesus in a role less than what he was outfitted for. A ruler is of course a huge role to take on but compared to who Jesus was and is, well, there is no comparison. Like the followers, we sometimes mistake the roles people play in our lives. We attempt at outfitting them with a role not great enough or maybe even a role beyond what they're made for. In either case, the role doesn't fit the purpose. When that happens, one must do what Jesus did. He withdrew. Jesus' time of withdrawal was often for prayer and meditative purposes. What a great example when one is up against being placed in a role that is not God-ordained. What roles are you currently in? Are they properly outfitted for you? Have you asked God? You may find that His answer differs. Truthfully, His answer is the only one that matters because He created you and knows what roles are made for you.
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