Proverbs 17:1
1Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting with strife.
King Solomon noted that a family can lack plenty of things but if it has peace and quiet, it's more than enough. A house filled with food and everything beyond the imagination still lacks everything if it's full of strife. There's nothing more relaxing than a home that is filled with peace when one enters. We often take it for granted until we no longer have it. Peace of mind is just as important as the air we breathe. Peace means that everyone is on one accord and understands their role. Peace means that Jesus can be the center instead everyone's personal agendas and everyone sleeps better at night. Peace is easy to feel when one opens a door to a home, even if the refrigerator is empty. A right atmosphere is essential for growth and love. Having stuff doesn't make a house better if there's constant bickering. Strife is an indication of a couple of things. 1. someone is not on one accord with the Holy Spirit (meaning disobedience ), and 2. selfishness is somewhere in the mix. Satan loves to enter through these areas to cause even greater division as they are very much characteristic of him and he thrives on discord in the home. A commitment to resolve the strife or come to an agreement is necessary. Who is being hurt by strife in the home? Everyone, even the pets can sense strife and run for cover. What is more important to you? A peaceful home or needless things?
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