Song of Songs 2:7
7Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field:
Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.
Song of Songs also known as Song of Solomon depicts the courtship and marriage of King Solomon to the Shulammite woman. Marriage is the imagery most often used in the Bible to depict the relationship between Christ and the church because it's the strongest human relationship that exists, yes even more than children and parents. For it is the first relationship that God created on earth between two humans, man and woman in Genesis 2. King Solomon wrote of his intimate time with the Shulammite woman but he notes something very important. Daughters of Jerusalem refers to the maidens of the land as said in the NIV Study Bible. The gazelles and does would be considered witnesses during his intimate time with the Shulammite woman since they're spending time together in the field. But he makes a bold statement, "Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires." It refers to the idea of love being artificially stimulated through sex. God originally planned for sex to be enjoyed to its fullest between husband and wife. But here, if one goes that route, it can cause feelings of love that are not real. The love will be about the euphoric feeling one has through the act of sex. Interesting. It creates a bond that may not be true and therefore becomes blinding. True love cannot be artificially created. What is artificial? According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, artificial means:
1: produced by art rather than nature; also made by humans to imitate nature
2: not genuine: feigned
WOW! So artificial means our attempt to imitate nature or rather to imitate God. It is not the real thing. The real thing can only be created by God. So having sex prior to marriage is quite frankly attempts to imitate the marriage covenant that can only be sanctioned by God. So we as a society have attempted over and over to recreate what God did in Genesis 2 between Adam and Eve. What King Solomon says is that it is not to be til God desires. God is love therefore when God places in Adam the longing of not being alone, he has Eve for him but Adam has to open eyes to receive who his Eve is. More importantly, don't be clouded by anything artificial. What has God sanctioned for you? Sade says "No Ordinary Love" but with God it's "No artificial love."
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