Luke 11:25-26
25When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. 26Then it goes and takes several other spirits more wicked than itself and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first.
Jesus had been accused of driving out evil spirits by the power of Satan. Jesus noted that Satan couldn't be divided against himself. But more importantly, Satan couldn't operate the way in which Jesus does. Any attempts to do so is also known as counterfeiting. Jesus noted to the crowd what happens when an attempt to imitate the power of God is made. Things are worse off than before. Such is anything in life. Finding a place swept clean is only on the surface. Reformation without transfer of power is only temporary. How so? Have you ever attempted to kick a serious habit and failed? What do you need to kick the habit? Ultimately one needs strength. You have to get that strength from somewhere. That place is from God. Once you agree that where you are is not good and you can't do it alone, God gives you the strength and the power you need to climb out of the pit. It's by His power that you can kick that nasty habit. It's only by His power that you can overcome such a stronghold. But you have to know that you're even in one. Has your spiritual house been swept or has it been power washed?
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