Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Isaiah 19:5
5The waters of the river will dry up and the riverbed will be parched and dry.

God gave to the prophet Isaiah a prophecy against Egypt. Egypt continued to worship idols. Just as during the plagues the Lord brought upon Egypt through Moses, so God was using another great prophet. The Nile River was and is the longest and main source of water for Egypt. Water is used for cleaning, quenching thirst, etc. Can you imagine such a natural resource drying up? God can do anything and so he can cause things to flow or stop. For the Egyptians that continued in their idol worship, God decided to dry up the source of water that affects every bit of life. We that live in countries where the natural resources are numerous often take water for granted because we have easy access to it. But if God dried up the water, what would we do? We can live without food longer than we can live without water. What represents the idols and what represents the water in our lives? If God wants them removed and we don't remove them, what will He dry up to  get our attention like the Egyptians? How many other areas of your life would that parched land affect? And all for disobedience. Is it worth it?

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