Thursday, September 1, 2011

Will You Go?

Matthew 9:37
37Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few."

Jesus went about teaching and preaching the good news!! It was during that time that he saw so many people who were hungry and thirsty for what food and drink could not satisfy. It was then that he made known to the disciples just how much work needs to be done but not everyone is willing. If the Holy Spirit asked you to sit with the one person in the room that no one was talking or felt out of place, would you go? If the Holy Spirit asked you to provide a random act of kindness to someone you didn't know, would you go? If the Holy Spirit asked you to call on someone though you didn't know the reason, would you go? If the Holy Spirit asked you to go to an event that you normally wouldn't attend because someone there needed support, would you go? No matter what the Lord's asking of you, the question is, would you go? If you're answer is yes, then He will use you. If your answer is yes, then you will have a fulfillment that you never thought possible. If your answer is yes, then you're telling Him you love Him and want to serve Him any way He sees fit. If your answer is yes, then you have indeed surrendered to Him.

P.S. Tune in to Artist to Artist with my man V of as you can now hear the Get Your JOY In The Morning segment every Saturday at 8:30am, 2:30pm and 8:30pm on his show!! This Saturday's artist interview is with Amel Larrieux.

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