Matthew 25:8-9
8The foolish ones said to the wise, 'Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.'
9'No,' they replied, 'there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.'
Jesus gave a lovely parable about the ten virgins who attended to the bride to prepare her for the bridegroom. It was an illustration of what it would be like if people didn't take seriously the idea that one day Jesus would return. No it's not yet. But if it were, would you be ready? Like the five foolish virgins, many assume they can do what they want to do. When the consequences of their actions or the lack there of appear, they want to be bailed out. The five foolish virgins wanted the five wise virgins to bail them out with their oil. The oil of the lamp used was olive oil. In the Old Testament, olive oil is also used as part of the anointing oil. The oil of the lamps represents the anointing that is available to all of us as believers in Christ. Unfortunately, lack of development hinders the anointing God has placed on each of us and like the lamp of the foolish virgins, the light can go out. Our light can dim and go out if we poison it with so many things including our unwillingness to grow in Christ. According to the NIV Study Bible, "When Christ returns, preparedness cannot be shared or transferred." In other words, just because your grandma knew Jesus doesn't mean you do. Nothing is automatic. You have to have your own relationship with Christ. Jesus is the lamp and if you don't have the oil or anointing which comes from a deep relationship with Christ, like the five foolish virgins, you may be left behind. Don't be left behind because you're depending on someone else's relationship with Christ. As Billie Holiday once sang, "Mama may have, papa may have but God Bless the child that's got his own." Have your own.
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