1Samuel 17:42
He looked David over and saw that he was only a boy, ruddy and handsome, and he despised him.
When David faced Goliath, no one thought he could win. The Philistine himself looked at David and assumed that based on his size and age he could beat him. One of the most wonderful things about our loving father is when he works miracles he can use anyone or thing as his backdrop. He used David to display the miracle of His strength because David displayed faith. Not so much of faith in himself but faith in the Lord and that he would see him through the fight. Yes, David had an incentive. His incentive was to marry the king's daughter. Sometimes in life our Goliaths assume they will take us down. Whether the Goliath is an illness, situation, etc. But we have to determine what is our incentive? Is our incentive peace of mind, growth, health, fill in the blank___. Like David, we must know that the Lord will see us through the fight. The Lord never leaves us on the battleground alone. It may look like it's just us but the Lord is with us for protection through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, which knows all truth can tell us which way to turn, when to duck, when and where to strike and when to stand still. The Word of God will always be our resource and faith requires trusting in God and His word. He provides the Holy Spirit to direct our movement but if we are not willing to be OBEDIENT we lose. The Lord gave David the strength to defeat Goliath. Will you be obedient and allow the Lord to direct you into victory or will you be under your Goliath's feet?
If you want to live the victorious and abundant life Jesus died for you to have, you must be like David and run toward your "giants". God will do the rest!