18Now why go to Egypt to drink water from the Shihor?
And why go to Assyria
to drink water from the River?
19Your wickedness will punish you;
your backsliding will rebuke you.
The prophet Jeremiah rebuked the people of Israel for their constant desire to go back to enemy. To the Lord, it was backsliding. Who would willing go back to the enemy? In the case of the people of Israel, they didn't trust God enough so they went back to what and who they were used to though they knew the Lord wanted better for them. The result was not only that Israel went backward, but they went to the very countries that would enslave them again. Hmmm. Does this sound familiar? Sure it does. We, like the people of Israel, go backwards. We go right back to the enemy though the Lord has said no. We go back because like the people of Israel, we want the familiar. We want what we know because it's easier than trusting God for the unknown. If the Lord has said leave it alone, then leave it. We become a slave to whatever it is that we trust more than God. We become the prey willingly. The enemy makes it look real good too, especially when we are thirsty for something. What have you become enslaved by? Why have you gone back to the enemy? Do you know that if the enemy offers you something it's for a price greater than what you can pay? Does it not hurt enough?
P.S. View my interview with personal development blogger Sharman J. Monroe at http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Yes, I am guilty of doing this...of wanting to go back to the familiar when things in my "new land" look or appear shaky. Then I really think on things as they were in "Egypt" and remember they weren't all THAT great. And besides there is no guarantee that the "Egypt" of today would be even half as great as before; it could be worse. So I purposefully change my focus to my "new land" in which God has placed me and remember it is part of God's good plan for my life!
ReplyDeleteWe all think about going back from time to time but I'm so glad you pause and think. Unfortunately, most of don't.