Sunday, March 12, 2017

Broken Pieces: Some Family Wounds Run Generations Deep

Good Afternoon,

I have shared with you previously that God is doing a new thing. I have shared that God is expanding on my ability to communicate with you the message of faith, hope, healing and purpose. i have also shared with you that I am a survivor of multiple abuses. I do not say this with pride, but I say it with the conviction that God can deliver and heal your broken places no matter what you face. I am a living witness. Though I am still in a trial right now that has seemed to drag on, I BLESS GOD because He is still getting the glory. I am still pressing in and forward with what He gave me to do.

Verbal and emotional abuse can seem harmless to some, almost a rite of passage, especially among teenagers. However, verbal and emotional abuse often leaves many unseen scars.  These abuses would not be included as part of domestic violence initiatives if they were truly harmless.  According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 95% of men who physically abuse their partners also psychologically abuse them. In some cases it is an internal issue that can be traced to feelings of another’s insecurities and hidden jealousies. In other cases, it is simply the environment a person has been brought up in and they aren’t even aware of how venomous and destructive verbal and emotional abuse can be. reports that about 30% of abused and neglected children grow up to abuse their own children.  The abuses can eat away at a recipient’s core belief of their self-worth.

My next production is on generational verbal and emotional abuse. If there are any of you who are actors/actresses who want to be part of something bigger than you, I encourage you to come out and audition. You can email me directly for more details.

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