Monday, January 2, 2017

It's Time For A New Thing

Isaiah 43:19

19Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?

Happy New Year!! I wish you well in this new year. By now, many of you are aware that Get Your JOY In The Morning is evolving. I want to thank you and I bless God for you. Many of you have been with me on this journey for nearly eight years!! Can you believe it?! Get Your JOY In The Morning will be turning eight years old in just another two months. If you do not know, eight represents a new beginning. The tide has changed. The Lord is finally bringing to pass what He showed me many years ago. I was only eight years when I had dreams of being a filmmaker. I was eleven when I began writing to cope with my pain. When my partner and I began the company, the vision God had always made known to me was that one day films and plays would be part of the evolution of Get Your JOY In The Morning. It is another way to communicate the message of faith, healing and hope. When you are faithful with little, He blesses with much. Inspite of all the challenges faced in 2016, I am still grateful to God to be here to walk in purpose. There will still be times when devotionals come across your screen. However, the main focus is on expanding ways to communicate meaningful messages with you.
I finally understand what my Mom said when I was in high school. She said, "Joy, I know you love entertainment but you don't have to go to school for it. You already have it in you. Get a business degree or two. That way, you won't end up like some of the others." I didn't major in English or journalism. What you've experienced is what God has given, the gift of writing. The gift of writing is defined by as:

Writing - the gift that gives a believer the ability to express truth in a written
form; a form that can edify, instruct and strengthen the community of

The special God-given ability to formulate thoughts and ideas into
meaningful written forms so that the reader will find courage, guidance,
knowledge, or edification through the words shared with them.
The Bible was written by people with this gift.
People with this gift:
- may write stories, sermons, devotions, histories, prayers, songs, or
poetry to be used to build up the body of Christ
- may be inspired by the Holy Spirit in what they write
- may teach God's word to others through what they write
- may use writing to express other gifts
- may be better at expressing their thoughts in written form than in verbal
God is doing a new thing. I will continue to keep you updated on the progress of the projects coming forth in 2017. In the meantime, I hope you have had a chance to watch the trailer for my new documentary film on the first African-American female comedic impressionist, Sylvia Traymore Morrison. You can view it on my page Joy TJ Riley on Facebook or through the Get Your JOY In The Morning YouTube channel, which is also accessible through I hope many of the ladies have registered for the "I Didn't Know My Own Strength" Empowerment Tour on January 14, 2017. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Please stay tuned for more projects coming in 2017. #theyearoffulfillingpurpose2017.
God bless you and your family in this new year.

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