Proverbs 19:21
21What is desired in a man is kindness, and a poor man is better than a liar.
God gave King Solomon yet another truth that often seems overlooked today. Many people know what qualities they want to see in others but one must possess it themselves. The NKJ Study Bible gives the Hebrew translation of kindness as chesed which literally means loving kindness. Why is this missing today? Meeting one who is kind is such a rare jewel as many have conformed to the societal thought of, "it's all about me" or "how much can I take?" Kindness is not a sickness nor is it a weakness as some would have you think. Kindness is an attribute of Jesus. The NKJ Study Bible says that God desires this attribute in us. It is considered a fruit of the Spirit as mentioned in Galatians 5:22. Those who walk according to the Holy Spirit will possess qualities such as joy, peace, kindness, etc. The NKJ Study Bible says that anyone who is kind will draw others to them. A special note also listed, "Loyal love is of much greater value than wealth; even poverty would be preferable over the absence of unfailing love." Some would disagree with the translation of the statement. But what good is material wealth if there is no love? What good is the material wealth if the heart is filled with nothing but anger and greed? The inability to truly love will drive others away. Remember 1Corinthians 13 describes love. You can have every form of wealth, knowledge and spiritual gifts but if you have not love, it does not matter. Deep down everyone wants to be loved and treated well. Unfortunately, because people do not know the love of God, they fail to know what love looks like.
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