Sunday, November 9, 2014

At the Table

Proverbs 15:17
17Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a fatted calf with hatred.
The custom of "breaking bread" or eating with someone was indeed a big deal. Once you broke bread with someone it was seen as a sign of friendship. Often, when followers of Christ pray over food in the company of others they "thank God" for "the time of fellowship." Fellowship as defined in Merriam-Webster's Dictionary is 1) the condition of friendly relationship existing among persons 2) a community of interest or feeling 3) a group with similar interests. But to King Solomon's point, everyone does not share your similar interests, feelings or friendliness. Do you know why the disciples were so appalled when Jesus said the one who would betray Him dipped their bread from the same bowl? Because dining with someone and then doing evil against them was indeed seen as an ultimate betrayal. With whom are you dining with at the table? Someone eating from the same table with you may not mean you well. Just because the meal is big and looks to be done with graciousness may not be so. The NKJV Study Bible states, "Lavish hospitality is not necessarily an indication of goodwill. Behind the stimulating conversation of a good hostess may lie ulterior motives. A simple meal with love, honesty, and true fellowship is far better..."
"Let's go eat,"  "let's do lunch" or "let's do dinner" are common phrases used in our times now. However, have you considered with whom you are dining? Do you know whether the person with whom you dine cares about your well-being? Do you know whether with whom you dine supports you? Do you know whether with whom you dine sees you as a friend or simply an opportunity? Hospitality is to be a gift. Providing a meal is to be a way of making someone feel loved, welcomed and cared for. Ask God to show you if someone is perverting the gift of hospitality in order to plot against you or simply does not truly care about you. We are unfortunately living in a time period as the word says where men are lovers of themselves and are self-seeking. True hospitality is always done with the spirit of love. And we know the word says that God is love. And to know love is to know God.
P.S. You can purchase books for the holiday season at or wherever books are sold.

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