Proverbs 19:17
17He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, And He will pay back what he has given.
Jesus said in the Word that when you give to the least of these you give to Him. Remember, Jesus gave up His heavenly wealth and riches and became poor on earth for our sakes. So Jesus has a special understanding and compassion for those who are poor. Remember, Jesus would occupy the home of those who lived in the town where He was traveling to. It is not always about giving money if you do not have money to give. It may be about opening your home or utilizing car for their needs or maybe even a word of encouragement, prayer or healing. When Peter and John were going to the temple a lame man was there begging. Peter turned to him and said, "silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you" and then Peter proceeded to proclaim the man's healing in the name of Jesus and the Lord restored his ability to walk.
One morning a couple of months ago I was on my way somewhere. I wanted to stand but God said to go sit where a man was. I was listening to my music on my headphones. I spoke and the man spoke. Shortly thereafter, he turned and asked what I was listening to. He was of a different color but I didn't expect or assume that he would know the artist but I said CeCe Winans. He said he had never heard of the artist. Then he asked if it was gospel. When I said yes, he said, "I could sure use some right now. Can I listen?" So I took my earphones out and I sang along getting my praise on. Before I knew it, tears were rolling down his face. I learned the man had just been released from jail the night before, with no where to go and had lost a lot as a result of being falsely accused. He had just been exonerated for a crime he didn't commit but it took a while. He shared how he was a believer in Christ but when God didn't come right away, he lost heart. What God enabled me to give was some encouraging words about enduring and continuing to praise God no matter the circumstance. The songs and atmosphere of praise was needed.
Whatever you give with sincerity, God will return it to you. One day you may be in need of whatever it is you may have given.
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