Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Continued Conversations in "C"

Song of Solomon 2:7
7I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or by the does of the field, do not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases.
We are continuing the conversations in "c" or celibacy. God is really serious about everyone getting this. In Song of Solomon, the Shulamite woman who was the apple and object of young David's love, acknowledged that as tempting as it is to consummate a dating/courting relationship with sex, that it is best to wait until the proper time. Anything not done in God's timing is off and out of order. The reason is you don't get the opportunity to enjoy the full blessing from Him and all that comes with it. When you have sex according to your timetable and not God's in the confines of marriage,  you taint the act of worship and expression of love that is supposed to be for a spouse. If you are not sure if you want to marry or when you want to marry that person, you rob them and their future spouse of the act of worship that sex is supposed to be. You essentially steal someone else's spouse and taint them physically and spiritually. Do you go to the grocery store and take a bite of an apple and then sit it back in the barrel for someone else to take? You have left your physical DNA all over that apple and because you decided you didn't want it, you expect someone else to see it as attractive and take it home. Too many people coming by to take a bite of that apple then leaves nothing for the person who was intending to buy who may have seen it in the barrel yesterday and waited until they were ready for it and God said it was time. Now if this sounds gross to you, then you are getting a picture of what you're doing when you are not celibate and waiting for God to send your mate be you man or woman. Remember in John 10:10 the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. He would like nothing better than to steal or destroy anything God has set aside for you. You play right into his objective when you lack self-control. Satan exploits weaknesses and this subject is the one he gets many on both out of ignorance and pure disobedience of the men and women of God.
The book of Song of Solomon and the book of Ruth include romance but also note the importance of waiting. In the book of Ruth, Boaz was much older than Ruth. He was aware that Ruth had been married before but she was celibate. Boaz was in love with Ruth but respected her enough not to consummate a physical union until he was one with her spiritually by the authority of God. He respected Ruth and would not taint her until he knew for sure he could marry her because she was potentially someone else's wife. There is absolutely nothing wrong with sex and it is a beautiful act of worship, which is to express love and connect to become one but only in its proper time and with the person God has set aside for you. Conversations in "c" or celibacy concluded.

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