Wednesday, November 6, 2013

You Are Your Brother's Keeper

Proverbs 28:23

23 He who rebukes a man will find more favor afterward than he who flatters with the tongue.

King Solomon used the wisdom God provided to him to guide him in his everyday decision making as a king and how he interacted with others. In society many refer to it as, 'your belief system is your filter.' And yes, our Lord and Savior does want us to use our belief system to be our filter to guide our mind, our hearts and everything we say and do no matter the environment. It is meant to spill over into EVERY area of your life, not just the parts you are willing to let God into while you continue in your old ways in other areas. That would be double-minded as the apostle James wrote. The apostle Paul talks about "being transformed by the renewing of your mind." If your mind is renewed in Christ then what you say and do ought to also be guided by it. Did you know that you are your brother's and sister's keeper?  Jesus said that if there is grievance against your brother that you can't leave it in the open then expect Him to accept your offering. You must go to your brother first and address it. The apostle Paul also talks about not leaving your brother to sin but to pray for him and lovingly admonish him. If he continues then you are to let it go but you are not to turn a blind eye. So the wisdom God gave King Solomon falls along the lines of lovingly admonishing your brother or sister when things are off rather than to continue flattering them with the tongue.  If you know of yes men and women who outwardly agree with everything said, even when it is apparent that it is off, then you know you have come across people who only hope to gain the favor and crumbs of the one who is talking or fears not being liked by a crowd. However, real respect and favor comes to the one who pulls them aside when the Holy Spirit says to do so.  For one, you are being obedient to the Lord in it and second, you are showing enough love and concern for their well-being. If they get upset, then it is only because they are convicted by the Holy Spirit. If they do not receive after it is said, then that is is no longer on you for you have done what the Lord desires and you shall receive your reward which is favor in God's eyes. He will deal with the one who does not accept what He sent His elect (anyone in the body of Christ) to do. The person who does accept the rebuke will understand that it takes courage to address another who is in sin rather than to turn a blind eye. And the person who does accept will indeed know that it is the love of Christ that brought you.

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