Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Showing Gratefulness

Good Morning,
Like many who have saw #The Best Man upon its release in 1999, I was excited to see #Best Man Holiday last Friday, November 15th. I planned for the laughter; what I didn't plan for was the tears and the lesson on how a woman's love could inspire a man, her children and all the friends she adored. The central characters were still the same with a few additions that stirred a pot of gossip and jealousy but the love of God prevailed which is what the character, Mia, always displayed. Overall, it was an awesome movie that I highly recommend. There's a reason for this today.
We are officially in the Holiday season and not because the commercial ads are talking about Black Friday. We are in this season because you see the Christmas decorations up and people are preparing their homes for guests. Since the passing of my late Dad, this season was the hardest for me. His birthday is December 14th. When December would hit I would be full of tears, crying everyday because I missed him and it was his favorite time of year, not just because of his birthday either. My late Dad was a loving and giving person. For a few years I stopped decorating my house and even putting up a Christmas tree. After my own near death, which I talk about in my book, Get Your JOY In The Morning!, I had a change of heart. I stopped looking at what I lost as such a bad thing. I remembered the second chance God gave me because He didn't have to give it. The Lord could've taken me in March 2008 like he took my late Dad in March 2005, sudden and during the same period of time. I was reminded and decided it was time to be grateful and give thanks. Like King Hezekiah who pleaded for his life in Isaiah 38, I pleaded in tears for mine and God answered. I realized through God's Word that obedience and thanksgiving is the way to show gratefulness to Him. When you are grateful for what someone has done for you, you show them as much as you can and you respect them, thank them and show them. Showing isn't just in words, showing is action. The apostle Paul said that love is an act. So it brought new meaning to what Jesus said in John 14:21 "He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me." Obedience to God ought not to be out of some ritualistic belief. But ought to be out of love. God wants our love because He is love and first loved us as said in 1John 4. I am understanding at a new level that obedience is my reasonable sacrifice for one who has saved my life not just spiritually but physically when He didn't have to. I am grateful.

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