Friday, November 29, 2013

Keeping the Peace

Isaiah 48:18
18Oh, that you had heeded My commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river, And your righteousness like the waves of the sea.
The prophet Isaiah received a stern word of correction from the Lord for the people of Israel. Israel had become idol worshippers and rebellious but wanted to "give the appearance of being religious" as the NKJ Study Bible notes. But to think that God could not see was very bold and not bright at all. Yet, the Lord deferred His anger as the word says. The people of Israel brought on their own drama and turmoil because of their refusal to obedient. God allowed the lack of peace.
If you ever want less drama and more peace in your heart and life, the best way is to be obedient to God and continue to seek Him and sit before His face. Psalm 119:2 says, "Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, Who seek Him with the whole heart!  Many do not seek God and wonder why there is no peace. What is peace? Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines peace as 1) a state of calm and quiet; esp: public security under law 2) freedom from disturbing thoughts or emotions 3) a state of concord (as between persons or governments); also an agreement to end hostilities.  In other words, if you want to keep things agreeable between you and God and everything in your life, just lovingly follow His direction for your life. When you don't, you upset your own balance of emotions because stubbornness is the doorway for the drama to take over the peace in your life. Yes, God will allow situations to work together for your good as said in Romans 8:28 meaning He will use the drama to teach you. Some drama is not of your doing but is a storm for God to show His glory. The condition is that you have to be willing to learn. Either way, submission to God at some point will bring about greater peace. Taking hold of the peace and keeping it requires seeking God. Whether it's now or later, is up to you.

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