Romans 8:37
37Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
apostle Paul addressed the church in Rome about suffering through and
overcoming. In Romans 8:28 he wrote of God using every circumstance
whether positive or not to better those who love God and are called to
Him. What Paul said addresses the fact there are problems we cannot hide
from but must hit head on with the shield of faith in order to get
through. So how can you conquer if you're not willing to fight? You
can't. How can you overcome the pink elephant in the room if you pretend
not to see it? You can't. How can you hit the home run if you are not
willing to step up to the plate and swing the bat? You can't. The word
says that faith without works are dead. So in order to conquer and come
through anything, you have to be willing to work through and push
through it with action and faith. "It's too hard," some say. Do you
think it was easy for Christ to take each lash on that whip with it's
extensions to dig into His skin? Do you think it was easy for Jesus to
take each nail into His hands and feet, stretched as He was? Since
Christ suffered through that kind of pain to get to the Father's glory,
what do you think will be required of you and I that are followers of
Christ? It means that like the soldiers in the film,
300, you
don't back down from the fight. You don't shrink. What does it mean to
conquer? Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines conquer as 1)to gain by
force of arms: win 2) to get the better of: overcome. You take up the
whole armor of God in Ephesians 6 and you stand your ground and push. So
I say to you who are dealing with a problem, STAND AND PUSH THROUGH! So
I say to you who had a difficult moment, STAND AND PUSH THROUGH!! So I
say to you who has been hurt, STAND AND PUSH THROUGH! God is going to
work it out for your good if you PUSH TO BE A CONQUEROR!
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