Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What is More Important?

Luke 19:8
8Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, "Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold."

Zacchaeus was not able to see Jesus through the crowd like everyone else because he was "under tall".  He wanted so much to see Jesus that he climbed up into a tree to get a glimpse of the one who performed miracles and healed many. Zacchaeus was a wealthy tax collector but was not well liked. Jesus knew Zacchaeus by name when He saw him and told him that He had to be at Zaccchaeus' house. Zacchaeus was so overjoyed and so happy that Jesus wanted to dine with him that he was willing to give away the wealth he obtained and even restore to those he took from wrongfully. Now that is a move of God!

How so? If you recall the Rich Young Ruler that came up to Jesus in Matthew 19:16 asking what he must do to inherit eternal life, Jesus said to obey the commandments. The ruler asked which ones? And Jesus began to recite them. And the young man stated he had kept them all since he was young so what was he lacking. And Jesus told him to give away his wealth. The young ruler was sorrowful the word says and he walked away.

The difference between Zacchaeus and the Young Ruler, one was willing and didn't have to be asked. The other when asked, couldn't because his heart was tied to his possessions. Jesus wants our hearts tied to Him. No matter what Jesus asks of you, He'll know where your heart really is. If you are unwilling to give up whatever it is, then you have shown Jesus that it is more important than Him which means you have made it your god. It doesn't have to be wealth either. It can be a spiritual gifting, it can be a person, it can be anything you have set your heart on so much. Zacchaeus was ready for Jesus. God tested Abraham the same way. The gift he gave him, Isaac, God wanted to know did he love Isaac more than he loved Him who gave the gift. Nothing should be more important. Are you ready for Jesus?

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