Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Unholy Unification

1Corinthians 6:15

15 Do you know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the member of Christ and make them members of a harlot? Certainly not!

The apostle Paul addressed the church of Corinth as some members of the church continued to visit prostitutes after they had given their lives to Christ. Paul goes on to say that anyone who has sex with a prostitute becomes one with them in spirit because the word says "and the two shall become one flesh."

God brought something to my attention yesterday. There is no difference between the female or male on the street who prostitutes and the ones who deliberately seek out those with money or any other attribute they hope to gain with sex other than that one is considered "high class".  Can God redeem anything? He certainly can! But if the motive is anything other than love which is to be the foundation, then it is an unholy unification and subject to turmoil. The word says in 1John 4:8 that if you do not know love then you do not know God because God is love. God is to be the foundation of a union. Love is to be the foundation of a union. Love is a motivation and is to be the ultimate motivation. Not money, status, or anything else. Love is to be the reason not lust or greed. We become what we unite with. Be careful of any unholy unification. God cannot ordain what is unholy without repentance, hence our savior Jesus Christ. Repentance requires acknowledgement of the sin. If one does not believe what they are doing is incorrect or just decides that though it is wrong want to continue in it then they will not repent and God cannot redeem. The only blessing required is the one from God. If God is not in it, simply put, it is not blessed.


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