Matthew 26:3-4
3Then the chief priests,
the scribes, and elders of the people assembled at the palace of the
high priest called Caiaphas, 4and plotted to take Jesus by trickery and
Caiaphas and his friends were tired of losing to
Jesus. They were tired of His popularity, of His truth that often
showed them to be in the wrong. Jesus was just the Word of God made
flesh. He is the living Word. He took the principles from the Old
Testament to teach but did so using methods these men were not familiar
with. Jesus had become their enemy not by His declaration but by their
hardened hearts. Caiaphas and his friends were so upset they decided the
only way they could win was through trickery.
an enemy has to use trickery to defeat you then it because you are not
easy to defeat. When an enemy has to use trickery to win or gain
something at your cost or others, then whatever was obtained was not
theirs and will be short-lived. The enemy of our souls uses trickery all
the time. He comes to kill, steal and destroy as the Word says. But he
does it using guess what? Trickery. He is the father of lies as the Word
says. Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines trickery as deception by
tricks and
strategems. This
method describes Caiaphas and his friends, the enemy of our souls and
as well as anyone who does something intentionally the wrong way.
the movie G.I. Joe the sworn enemy had to be pretend to be someone he
wasn't in order to obtain what he wanted. But it did not last as the
became hip to the plan. The wonderful thing about our friend, the Holy
Spirit, He loves to reveal the plans of man and Satan because He knows
all things and searches all things. When the Holy Spirit decides to
share with you the trickery the enemy would like to use to defeat you,
take heed. Jesus knew the plan, but Caiaphas had no idea that it was
still part of God's plans for Jesus to sit on the throne FOREVER!
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