Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It Will Change the Way You Look

Ecclesiastes 8:1
1Who is like a wise man? And who knows the interpretations of a thing? A man's wisdom makes his face shine. And the sternness of his face is changed.
King Solomon talked about wisdom because he prayed for it and God blessed him with it. When Solomon was handed the kingdom by his father David he was very young. Having charge of an entire kingdom was overwhelming. So he sought the one his father sought, God. When Solomon prayed he did not ask for riches. He simply asked for wisdom. And God responded with, that's all you want?! And God told Solomon indeed he would have wisdom but because he didn't ask for anything else he would also receive wealth. Solomon was so wise that people came from afar just to see for themselves how much wisdom Solomon possessed. What Solomon notes is that wisdom will make a person's face shine. Have you ever seen a glow in a person's face? Have you ever just thought it was because they eat right, get rest or are happy? Yes, these can all be contributing factors but more importantly, the more time one spends before God, the more wisdom will be obtained and the more their face will shine. Even Moses spent a lot of time in the presence of God and he had a glow. Wisdom is from God. Spend time with God. It will change the way you look.
P.S. To see highlight photos from the June 15th Pre-Release Book Signing and Reading of my new book, Shh Don't Tell visit the Get Your Joy In The Morning page on Facebook.

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