Thursday, May 16, 2013

Your Eyes Will Be Opened

Luke 24:31
31Then their eyes were opened and they knew Him; and He vanished from their sight.
The disciples were on their way to a village and during their journey they met a man. They enjoyed his company and during the visit they spoke of Jesus. The disciples were saddened because they were hoping Jesus was the redeemer of Israel and once He was condemned to death, their hopes had vanished. The disciples had no idea the man they met on their journey to the village was Jesus. Jesus did not look the same and their eyes were closed from seeing His true nature. The begged the man to stay a while. And while he ate and broke bread with them the word says, "their eyes were opened." The moment they recognized that the man in their presence was Jesus, He was gone.

He told the disciples before his crucifixion that He would come back. The disciples had no idea who they really had in their presence until that moment.
Sometimes we have no idea who Jesus has placed around us and that He is in the midst until He allows our eyes to be opened.  Here's an example. This is my birthday week and I had originally made plans to leave town. I am talking flight booked, hotel reserved and rental car booked. And I was all excited and then I kept feeling the Holy Spirit say that I had to postpone my trip. I was a little upset too as I was looking forward to it. And I said, "God please let there be a good reason for this postponing." The answer appeared the next day. I received a phone call from my dear friend Brenda Leigh Wells. In March we had just celebrated her birthday, CD release, book to come and the announcement came during her celebration that she would be the host of the S.H.A.R.E. Broadcast on Baltimore's Spirit 1400AM WWIN. She said, "Joy, God told me I have to have you on my show this Saturday, May 18th. Are you free from 9:30am-10:30am ET? I began to PRAISE GOD! I told her what I said to God and how He had said I had to postpone my trip. But my eyes were not opened until that moment as to why I had to delay the plans. So I bless God for He is faithful!

When Jesus is ready to reveal himself in the relationships He has ordained in your life and your situation, your eyes will be opened.
P.S. Join me this Saturday, May 18th on the S.H.A.R.E. Broadcast with my friend Brenda Leigh Wells on Baltimore's Spirit 1400AM WWIN from 9:30am-10:30am ET. You can also listen by logging onto and the call in number is 410.481.1400.

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