Thursday, May 9, 2013

One in Spirit

1Samuel 20:4
4Jonathan said to David, "Whatever you want me to do, I'll do for you."
Jonathan and David had a covenant friendship. It was a friendship based on love and mutual respect regardless of each others' status. Jonathan was so devout to the friendship that he even protected David from his own father, King Saul. That is true friendship and dedication. In chapter 18 it talks about how Jonathan and David became one in spirit. Becoming one in spirit with someone doesn't always have to be through sex as the apostle Paul talks about in1Corinthians chapter 6 and Ephesians 3. Becoming one in spirit with someone, also known as a soul tie, is based on respect and love and actually the commandment Jesus said to live by. He said, "love thy neighbor as thyself" also known as "do unto others as you want done to you." If you can love you, you can love others just as much as you love you. Jonathan understood that principle and so did David. Jonathan's father, King Saul, did not. Jonathan had to make a choice. He was positive his father was not the man David said he was. But when Jonathan found out otherwise, he remembered his friendship with David and choose to do right by David. That is dedication and proves that family ties don't always override.

Who is willing to make this type of dedication to you and you to them? Who can you really count on to be there for you even at the risk of a divide between them and what they thought was so dear? Do you have the right people in your life? Are you loved because of your position and status only? Or are you loved regardless based on mutual friendship and respect? There is a lot to learn from David and Jonathan.

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