Psalm 75:2-3
2You say, "I choose the appointed time; it is I who
judge uprightly. 3When the earth and the people quake, it is I who hold
its pillars firm."
God is one who does everything in His own time. A thousand years to us is like a day to Him. As the NIV
Study Bible states, "God does not fail to call the arrogant to
account." It may "appear" that evil doing is advancing and it may
"appear" that injustice has prevailed. Oh but God! God always brings
things back around for His glory to be shown. The quake in this Psalm
was about the crumbling that often takes place when evil doers advance
but God is the one who still holds things together. Things fall apart
just enough for the wrong doing to be exposed and disposed of. When?
When God sees fit. When the arrogant believe they are "home free" God
shows up. He gives time to repent and make a mends because He is slow to
anger. It is not for you and I to pursue the justice, God will do it
all on His own and in His own time.
P.S. Remember to checkout my girl Stubbs of the Leap of Faith Show Mon-Fri from 10am-12pm on and listen for the Get Your JOY In The Morning segment!
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