Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Moving Mountains

Matthew 21:21

21 Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done.

Just a few days prior to Jesus making the statement above, he and the disciples were walking and saw a fig tree off in the distance. Jesus wanted to pull fruit from the fig tree. When He and the disciples arrived at the fig tree, Jesus discovered though the fig tree was alive, it was not bearing any fruit. So at that moment He pronounced its death. A few days later when passing the fig tree again, it had indeed died. The disciples were amazed. And then Jesus told them that with faith, not only could they do what He did but they would be able to move mountains.

Now to many that sounds just crazy. But with Christ, nothing is impossible according to His word. First of all, the tree which was alive was not bearing fruit. It was a fruit tree that did not bear fruit. It had a purpose but was not serving its purpose. So if it was not serving its purpose, why was it still in existence? There are some things in our lives that look alive from a distance but up close they are actually not serving their purpose in any way, they are just there. Just as Jesus did, it is time to pronounce those things as dead. The Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines a mountain as a mass of land higher than a hill. It is considered to be something fixed. Much more than the fig tree. But Jesus said you and I have the ability to look at what looks like a fixed mass and tell it to move and it will indeed do so. A mountain in your life can be anything but with your faith to look beyond what you see with your physical eyes and focus with your spiritual eyes, you can command that the mountain in your life be removed. So what's it gonna be? Are you going to have something that looks alive from the distance but is really not serving a purpose and is just there to stay put or will you just command that it go ahead look dead just as it really it is? And will you declare any obstacle that stands in your way to be removed? It will all be done according to your faith.

P.S. Remember to check out the Tuesday Top 10 Countdown with DJ Ambermay on Church Beat Radio on www.live365.com!

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