Thursday, January 10, 2013

Is There An Accounting Error?

Luke 16:2

2So he called him in and asked him, "What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your management, because you cannot be manager any longer."

What if the Lord came to you at this very moment and asked you to give an account of every gift He has given you? What would be your response? Would the ledger show that you have used every gift He has placed in your possession or would there be an accounting error? What about that idea for a new business He gave you at the start of the year? Did you take any steps? What about that wonderful gift of seeing through a lens what others miss with the naked eye? What did you do with it? What about that wonderful ability to lead others? Are you leading or are you just sitting in the background being someone else's follower? Are you using your ability to communicate ideas, concepts, etc through visual media? The list of assets in your account are numerous. But what if the Lord came to you and said you cannot manage them any longer? What if you were in danger of losing every gift and blessing He's placed in your possession because you did not utilize it properly? What if He said that you didn't appreciate the way He has blessed you therefore all those blessings and gifts would be given to another? What would you do? We are to utilize what the Lord has given us for the purpose of helping others. Our wealth isn't just measured in dollars/euros/yen/etc. Many have wonderful gifts that God can convert into wealth but the first thing He wants to know is how much will you give away? How much will you share with others? An accounting error can be as simple as misplacing an asset as a debt or it can be as complex as not liquidating it. Do you have assets that you misplaced as debts in your life because of the lack of time or pure laziness? Or do you have assets that you have chosen not to liquidate out of selfishness? Either way, when the Lord decides He is ready to do an audit in your life, will He find an accounting error?


  1. Wow! Love this! So many people think working for God encompasses church work ONLY and everything else is "wordly". Thanks for the clarification.

  2. No assignment is insignificant to God. Thank you!
