Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rejecting the Truth

John 12:37

37Even after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him.

Have you ever known someone to refuse to believe something even though they've seen it with their own eyes? Have you ever noticed they may even attempt to explain away what they saw? Denial of truth is a very serious phenomenon. We see it all the time. People are staring the truth right in the face but instead of acknowledging it, just don't want to see. How can you refuse a truth like Jesus? Or even a truth Jesus places in front of you? Jesus said it was because their eyes were blinded. Per the NIV Study Bible, God had blinded their eyes because their hearts were hardened. A hardened heart is one that is not easily penetrated, unfeeling, closed, harsh, severe or resentful according to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary. So what truth has Jesus given to you? Have you accepted it? Or have you like the Jews continued in your unbelief? What more does Jesus have to show you before you are willing to accept what He's showing you? How many more confirmations do you need to see? How many miracles does Jesus have to perform before you understand that He is real and we worship a living God? How many more times does He have to pull you out of a mess to understand He has the true direction for your life? When you get it, you'll really get it. Jesus was rejected on that cross for us. How many more times are you going to reject the sacrifice He made? How many more times are you going to reject His love? How many more times are you going to reject His protection and direction for your life? How many more times are you going to reject the truth?

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