Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's Beyond You

Proverbs 15:27

27A greedy man brings trouble to his family, but he who hates bribes will live.

King Solomon gave so many tidbits from the Lord that we can hold close to our hearts. When many engage in greed they usually cannot see past themselves at the moment and/or the family is used as the excuse to engage in it. But what many fail to understand, every action one takes is beyond just them. It also has the ability to effect each person's lives they touch. How so? The NIV Study Bible gives reference to Achan. Do you know who Achan is? Joshua had become the leader of  the Israelites after Moses died. The Lord had given Joshua the command for him and the Israelites to overthrow Jericho. The Lord gave specific instructions that no one was to take any gold possessions or such. Achan did. He did and thought no one knew. Israel was seen as a corporate entity overthrowing the land. When Joshua was leading the group to defeat Ai, they were defeated. Joshua couldn't understand what happened.  The Israelites had always defeated their enemies. When Joshua inquired, it was then that the Lord revealed someone didn't heed the Lord's instructions. Joshua had to confront the whole group to see who would confess. Achan finally did. And he and his whole family perished. So not only did he effect the entire unit he was part of, his family suffered for his mistake. God always sees and always knows what each of us does even when no one else can see. God may not bring it to light at that moment but eventually He will. But as the Word says, if you operate with the premise that bribes will do you no good, you don't have to worry about anything. Accepting bribes are the result of greed and wanting more than what the Lord has released to you. But the price you pay and those around is far greater.

P.S. Remember to checkout the Tuesday Top 10 Countdown on Church Beat Radio at www.live365.com!

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