Friday, September 21, 2012

When God Says Move

Genesis 12:1

1The Lord had said to to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you.

I had been referencing the story of Abraham each time I was asked why I was moving. And my response has been, "When God says move, you move." I always reference the story of Abraham especially when I get the blank look.  The Lord hit me with something so deep yesterday on the train. "What if Abraham hadn't been obedient to the Lord?" I had an "oh my" moment out loud on the train because it hit like a sack of bricks. Abraham didn't ask questions. He just went. But what if he didn't go and was fixed on staying where he was and what he was doing at that moment?  What if he continued to ask God questions when He could've been moving? What if he said, sure Lord I'll get to it and never did? God showed me that Abraham wouldn't have been the father of many nations. He wouldn't have been promised the land that the Israelites later occupied. There would be no Isaac nor Jacob whom God renamed Israel and from him came twelve tribes. There would be no Israel and there would be no Ruth, no David, no Solomon and no earthly born Jesus though He existed in Spirit and no salvation for us Gentiles. All mentioned came from Abraham's obedience. I now understand why so many scriptures make reference to Abraham's obedience. When God says you must move forward, there's no time to look back and say but I want to stay where I am. I'll stay just a little longer. You have no idea what your obedience means, who benefits and what God will birth from it be it literally or figuratively. I thank God for Abraham's obedience as well as each and every man and woman who listened and obeyed God from that point on. We all benefited. Next time God tells you to MOVE FORWARD, think about Abraham and what won't happen through you and for you because you're unwilling to move.

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