Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Have You Turned to the Lord in Prayer?

Isaiah 35:5
5Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped.

The prophet Isaiah was given a glimpse of what the coming Messiah would bring with Him. As documented in the New Testament, what God showed the prophet Isaiah was joy, peace and healing. The healing being both physical and spiritual. Jesus healed not only those who had physical ailments but those plagued by evil spirits. Those healed by Christ as Isaiah saw would receive joy. What some people don't realize is there are physical ailments that are indicators or manifestations from what is happening in one's spirit. Worry and stress do what? They cause physical ailments. Jesus said in Matthew 6:27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Jesus wasn't just saying this for the sake of speaking. We've seen what worry and stress can do. Oh but God! There's a remedy!! The man after the Lord's own heart, King David, learned early that when facing illness, take it to the Lord in prayer! In Psalm 6 David was facing terrible illness. For him it was a rebuke or discipline from what he had done. Even still, David cried out to the Lord. Why? Because he knew the Lord could heal him. Deuteronomy 28:15-20 talks about the sickness that the Lord brings for one's sins. However, not all sickness is because of wrong doing. Some sickness like that of Job, is an attack from Satan in the spiritual domain as a way to hinder and distract. The Lord allowed it to show that Job would not be stopped by it but would turn to Him. Not that modern medicine doesn't help but many do not understand who the true healer is. So then when you are facing illness have you ever asked yourself is it a spiritual manifestation? What is it that you are doing for the Lord? Is it something major? Is what's happening a distraction factor? Or is there something you need to seek the Lord's forgiveness for? Either way, it's all meant for you to turn to the Lord in prayer.

Remember to check out my girl Stubbs on the Leap of Faith Network at and listen for the Get Your JOY In The Morning segment!

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