Friday, July 27, 2012

Using You For A Cause

Romans 12:20
20On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."

Last Sunday the Lord gave me this scripture early in the morning before turning on my computer. I had learned of a public figure's tragedy and posted the example without posting the scripture on purpose to see if anyone would get it. The Lord has brought me to this scripture again. The apostle Paul had addressed the church in Rome regarding love. He recalled the words of  Jesus who said you and I are to love our enemies. First and foremost, revenge is not for you and I to execute but for the Lord in His time. Have you ever had someone mistreat you, talk about you, cast you to the side or mock you? Then later, they have to come to you and ask for help? Or even better, God sends you to help them? Why? In the case of Usher (ex from Facebook) his ex-wife needed his help to get to her son. But she had dragged his name through the mud in the custody battle over the children they had together. When she asked for help, he helped her. Unfortunately, she lost her first son. A new perspective for her to now value the remaining children and know that children are precious to the Lord and are not to be pawns to obtain a means. What about you? Do you have a story of someone coming to you or the Lord sending you after one has mistreated you? Zondervan's NIV Study Bible translates the scripture as the following that brought so much clarity to me and He has compelled me to share with you.

"heaping burning coals on his head. Doing good to one's enemy instead of trying to take revenge may bring about his repentance."

So basically, you helping your enemies is not for your satisfaction nor is it to torture you. The Lord simply wants to use you to cause them to repent for their actions and turn to Him. Now if they don't, that's between them and the Lord. He will punish them the way He sees fit at the time He sees fit. For some, the punishment is simply having to receive help from you while knowing what they did. It's called guilt. The guilt is supposed to bring them to the point of humility that they repent. If they are too stubborn, then God will allow more suffering to plague them that their pride will break.

Remember to check out my man V of the Artist to Artist Show on on Mondays and listen for the Get Your JOY In The Morning segment!

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