Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Take

Micah 2:2
2They covet fields and seize them, and houses, and take them. They defraud a man of his home, a fellowman of his inheritance.

Many people halfway understand the commandment of do not covet which was given by God to Moses and the Israelites in the Desert. But many covet and make plans to take what God never intended for them. The prophet Micah was given a judgement by God to those who felt they could take what the wanted to take because it was in their "power" to do so. But those who take still have to deal with God. Coveting isn't just about the action of taking something. It's also about the desire to want to take something. Remember, thoughts produce feelings which then produce action. If you've already done it in your heart, then yes, you're still guilty of it. So if there is a thought, then there is feeling and if one is bold enough, there is action. The problem is too many covet what God never intended to be theirs. Taking what God had already set aside for someone else comes with a penalty. No one but God really knows what that penalty is. Taking what though? Taking a life, taking a possession or whatever is of value. Even if one seems to have gotten away with it, guilt may be the penalty. Or eventually, God turns the tables and allows what was taken by one, to then be taken by another. Everything is really only in God's power even if one thinks the take is in theirs.

Remember to check out my girl Stubbs on the Leap of Faith Network on and listen for the Get Your JOY In The Morning segments!

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