Wednesday, May 2, 2012

When Love Calls

Acts 9:10
10In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. The Lord called to him in a vision, "Ananias!"
"Yes Lord," he answered.

God is the very definition of love because he gave up His only son, Jesus Christ to save us all from sin though many are still captive by it as a choice. Saul persecuted anyone who preached Jesus as Savior and Son of God. Saul was on his way to get permission to launch an all out attack against followers of Christ when Jesus stopped him in his tracks and left him blind. Jesus later changed Saul's name to Paul who was the apostle responsible for taking the word of God to the Gentiles. While Saul was still in his temporary state of blindness, the Lord called Ananias. Just as the song by Atlantic Starr When Love Calls says "you better answer," you better answer when the Lord calls your name. "Because it might be a big mistake if you decide to hesitate." The Lord who loves you calls your name for a reason and it would be beneficial to your future to answer. Ananias was perplexed because he knew the reputation of Saul. But the Lord assured him that what he had planned would no longer be a concern. The Lord took care of it. The Lord has a way of taking care of situations and immobilizing the schemes of the enemy or anyone associated with him. What the Lord does is not your concern, all you have to remember is "you better listen when God calls your name and answer.

P.S. Remember to check out my girl Stubbs on the Leap of Faith Network at

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