Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blotted Out

Deuteronomy 9:14
14 Let me alone, so that I may destroy them and blot out their name from under heaven. And I will make you into a nation stronger and more numerous than they."

God was certainly angry and He let Moses know it. Moses had been up on the mountain for forty days and nights with no bread or water praying on behalf of the Israelites after leaving Egypt. While Moses was before the Lord, the Israelites grew impatient and turned away from the Lord. They melted all their gold and created a gold calf to worship. So the Israelites spit in the face of God while the man called to stand in the gap for them suffered on their behalf. Can you imagine the anger God felt? God was so angry that He just wanted to blot out their existence. Moses continued to pray on behalf of the Israelites in spite of what they did so God would have mercy on them. Thank you Lord for Jesus! But know this..Jesus continues to stand in the gap for you and me. What would you do if God said to Jesus,  I'm blotting out ____ 's (insert name) existence because I keep delivering him/her from this or that wretched thing in his/her life but ______ (insert your name) keeps going back to it?" or If God said I told _____ (insert name) to get rid of this or that and he/she still hasn't? or last but certainly not least, If God said to Jesus, I gave_________ (insert your name) so many opportunities to accept you but _______(insert your name) refused you.  Blotting out means to erase from existence. Would you want to be erased from existence and have no place in heaven? Thankfully Jesus paid it all!!! But if you don't confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is the son of God and died and resurrected for your sins during this Holy week, then unfortunately, there will be a blank where your name should be. Record of everything you've thought, said and done is recalled by God to be evaluated. Don't be blotted out because you refused to accept Jesus Christ. Don't be blotted out because you spit in the face of God and refused to repent for your sins.

P.S. Check out my girl Stubbs on the Leap of Faith Show at!

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