John 14:11
11Believe in me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves.
"Or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles". Evidence is defined by Merriam-Webster's Dictionary as 1) an outward sign 2) proof, testimony; esp matter submitted in court to determine the truth of alleged facts. The evidence is the miracles performed by Jesus that could not be performed by ordinary or man-made means. If one does not believe that God the Father exists in Jesus based on the words of His mouth, the miracles He performed should provide enough evidence. But how many still don't believe no matter how much evidence has been provided? How many still don't believe though not just anyone can perform a miracle? The body of evidence has been provided every day of your life if you don't believe Jesus to be true based on His statement. It's a miracle that you woke up before the alarm clock went off. Or that you thought of a person and shortly there after you either received a call, email, text or saw them in person. It's a miracle that it can rain on one side of the road yet be dry on another. It's a miracle that someone can walk away from an accident that totaled a car without a scratch. It's a miracle that just when you need a word of encouragement or confirmation of something you were thinking about, the Lord sends someone to confirm though they had no idea previously. Are these not miracles? Are these not proof that the Lord hears you, sees you and looks after you? What other evidence are you in need of to verify that the Lord is who He says He is?
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