John 15:19
19If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.
Jesus gave candid facts to the disciples about them no longer being of the world. He was unwilling to sugar coat the situation. "Of the world" refers to the human system as noted in the NIV Bible. The human system does the "what it feels, how it feels, when it feels" often without consideration of consequences. That is the world that Jesus said would oppose the disciples. The disciples bear witness to the true light which is Jesus Christ. Many hated Jesus (and still do) because He did not go along with the 'status quo' or what was considered normal to the Pharisees. As the disciples were His followers they too could expect the same treatment. We are no different from the disciples in that if we are truly willing to walk as Jesus calls us to, we then are in opposition to the human system. God's purpose works opposite in that it's not about the "what you feel, how you feel and when you feel" mindset. It's that we die to our own agendas and learn to accept God's agenda in our life even when we don't understand it. We let our TRUST in Him be our guide and operate in God's system (the minority) rather than the human system (the majority based on numbers). So what is a system? According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary a system is defined as a regular method or order. As followers of Christ we do not operate according to the world's method but we operate in accordance to God's method. God's method cannot be comprehended and has a different set of results that actually leads to life. The human system usually leads to spiritual and even physical death when you take the human system. Are you seen as crazy for not thinking like everyone else? In this life, you will either conform to the world or stand out in it as the Lord deems. Jesus stands out too and that's why He's hated. Which system do you choose?
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